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Alcohol and Diabetes: Effects, Guidelines, and Risks

diabetes and alcohol

Alcohol metabolism by ADH generates a byproduct called reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). Excessive NADH levels can inhibit glucose production (i.e., gluconeogenesis) and breakdown (i.e., oxidation) of fat molecules as well as stimulate production of fat molecules. Medical experts have determined that even moderate drinking increases health risks for everyone, but for people with diabetes it holds unique short- and long-term dangers.

This is because the liver has to work to remove the alcohol from the blood instead of managing blood sugar levels. Alcohol consumption can also lead to situational unawareness of low blood sugar levels. Your liver will choose to metabolize the alcohol over maintaining your blood glucose, which can lead to hypoglycemia. The liver often makes this choice when you drink without eating food—so consider snacking while you sip. Glyxambi (empagliflozin/linagliptin) is a brand-name oral tablet prescribed to manage blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Examples include furosemide (Lasix), glyburide (Glynase, Diabeta), and insulin.

diabetes and alcohol

Insulin’s effect is always at least somewhat unpredictable, and you also have the delayed blood sugar-lowering effect of alcohol to worry about. The use of rapid insulin could make the morning-after hypoglycemia even more extreme. It may be safer to avoid sugary booze — and safer still to avoid any alcohol in the first place.

Are Some Alcoholic Drinks Better Than Others?

  1. In addition to the pharmacodynamic interactions, pharmacokinetic interactions between alcohol and phenobarbital exist, because alcohol inhibits the medication’s breakdown in the liver.
  2. Talk with your provider if you or someone you know with diabetes has an alcohol problem.
  3. Seizures, or even death, can occur with rapid and severe drops in blood sugar.
  4. Relatively limited information is available, however, on medication interactions resulting from moderate alcohol consumption (i.e., one or two standard drinks1 per day).
  5. After consuming alcohol, many Asian people experience an unpleasant “ flushing” reaction that can include facial flushing, nausea, and vomiting.

However, alcohol may impair the release of stored glucose, fetal alcohol syndrome face celebrities thereby potentially creating lows for an extended period of time. That is why it’s important to monitor blood sugar for longer periods of time after consuming alcohol, such as overnight or into the next morning. Always consult with a healthcare provider about any changes to diet or lifestyle so they can help monitor the body’s response. People with diabetes should be honest and realistic with their healthcare provider about what they enjoy drinking and how much alcohol they typically consume.

Glyxambi interactions with other medications

In addition, however, alcohol use may contribute to or exacerbate certain medical conditions. Exercise can also increase the risk of hypoglycemia when coupled with other factors, such as drinking alcohol. Doctors strongly encourage people with diabetes to engage in regular physical activity because it reduces blood sugar.


Drinking less—as any healthcare professional will tell you—is better. Before heading out to a bar or restaurant where you plan to have a drink, put on your medical ID bracelet. This way, if an emergency arises, medical personnel (who are trained to look for IDs) will know you have diabetes.

Avoid drinks that contain sweet mixers or juices, such as a margarita or tequila sunrise. People with diabetes have to be very careful when it comes to drinking alcohol. It is a good idea for them to talk with a doctor so that they thoroughly understand the risks involved. With all the focus on carbs, it’s easy to forget that alcohol also has calories.

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